Monday, June 20, 2011

Parametric Exercises

We're well into our Albertson's building project by this point, but I thought I would post something about the parametric and formula based work we've been doing.

Students have been assigned a few of Zach Kron's exercises from his blog:  Most notably the elephant trunk and the hedgehog.  Zach is the go to location for this sort of thing in Revit.  Also, we've been referencing David Fano's work over on  David's tutorials are very good and make great homework.

Finally, I talked to the class this morning on how one could use these sorts of exercises to construct a flexible, 3d space frame in a project environment.  It was beyond the scope of the course, really, but I think it's good to show where you can go, even if you don't show every step needed to get there.  Below are a few pictures from recent stuff, including some work in iRay by my TA, Bryan:

My formula driven spaceframe example

iRay Renders

Joe's adaptation of Zach Kron's tutorial

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